Just another update from the Big Island. Life is good here in Hawaii. We have officially moved in to our apartment and are finally feeling settled. Our apartment is adorable and works perfectly for us. We've made it ours with pictures of all of you, far too much clothes that we brought and Florida Sea Base decor. (We'll post pictures soon.) We can see the water from our porch and for some reason, sunsets never get old here.
Work was a lot better this past week. We're both feeling a lot more comfortable with the job and what's expected of us and are finding our own flow with how to work with the kids. For those of you who don't know or are still a little confused with what we do....we work at a wilderness therapy program for emotionally troubled/at-risk teens who have been sent there due to drug or alcohol issues/depression/anger issues/internet addictions/etc. It is our job to work with them on the organic farm and help direct reflective conversations and guide them. It can definitely be challenging but has already proved to be so rewarding.
During our off-shifts, we have met some incredible people and been able to explore the island and do some pretty awesome things. Last week we went snorkeling and went on a sunset cruise. We've also found some beautiful beaches and are working on our surfing skills. The key is to stand up which is not as easy it sounds.
Our favorite thing to do though is go to Costco. Holy moly, Tami Parker-i have a new appreciation for your dad and his love for Costco. The Hawaiian Costco is fantastic and hands down the cheapest place to shop on the island. Not to mention, you get an entire meal for free just with the samples alone. Or a surfboard for $130.
Life is good here and we are both feeling really positive about this move. The first few days were a little rough-living out of our 6 suitcases and not having our own kitchen or space...but now we are settled and feeling better than ever. This was a big leap for both of us, but I'm so glad that we took it.
It has been difficult to stay in touch with the major time differences and I apologize that I haven't been able to call as much, but we'll get in to the swing of things soon and find a schedule. We recently got skype so we'd love to video chat if that's easier. Our skype name is 'tommywilley'.
I hope that all is well on the mainland. We'll update again soon. Love and miss you all!