a page turner...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It seems like it should be illegal to have a dog in Hawaii that doesn't like the ocean. But surprisingly...we have one. She doesn't hate it. But she doesn't love it. This past week was dedicated solely to Munson loving the ocean. Code name "Doggy Diving".

We have found the dog beach which helps Miss Munson not only make friends but also play in the water. It is official-Munson has more friends than we do. So that was a success (I guess). Her loving the ocean as much as we
do though... we're working on it. She's not quite there yet.

She flops and flails and doggy paddles here way back to shore but my god is she cute when she does it. Here are a few pictures to prove it...

Friday, August 13, 2010

A new pup and a new home.

With a new addition to our family it has become quite necessary that we move out of our teeny tiny studio apartment. The three of us in one room and hardly any yard just wasn't going to cut it anymore. Before we went to work last week we began looking in to some other houses in the area. The only requirements were that it had a yard and was walking distance to the beach. Little did we know that we were going to land the perfect beach bungalow.

We found a house on Plumeria Street (how Hawaiian) that we were a little hesitant about at first. It resembled somewhat of a shanty town with hardly any lights, tarps used as roofs and trash everywhere. But with a little elbow grease, some bleach and new lumber we were able to make this house a beautiful home. Tommy has been working diligently with his fancy new tools to make a fence and gate for Munson, a kitchen table and knick knacks for the home. While I have been busy gardening, painting any piece of furniture I can get my hands on bright colors and cleaning.

Our new home is a 2 bedroom house. Though one of the rooms is more like a bonus room that we like to call the Kapua Suite for our guests. (Consider this the formal invite). It has hardwood floors throughout the house, french doors that open up on to our deck, a beautiful stained glass window, a big yard for the pup and a backyard full of papaya and banana trees. (Note: the banana trees will be ready in about 3 weeks!) Not to mention, it's a 5 minute walk to a beautiful secluded black and white sand beach.

We've turned our backyard in to an island getaway with hanging lights, lounge chairs, candles and plenty of flowers and herbs. I feel very at home in our new place and am looking forward to another new beginning and adventure in Hawaii. We hope to see you here soon.

Love, Dani, Tommy and little Miss Munson

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Miss Munson

A few more pics of our adorable pooch...Miss Munson.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A new addition

We would like to now introduce the newest member of our family...Miss Munson Goodley!

Yes folks, the rumors are true...we got a dog. We went all over the island and found the most perfect fur tube you could ever imagine. She is a 9 month collie mix but we think she's more of a fawn/crack fox mix.

She has a little bit of a retard cross-eye and recently had surgery so having her wear the cone is the icing on the cake. It's a little frankenstein-esque.

But we love her so much and are very proud parents

d, t & m