a page turner...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Camping at Kiholo Bay

In the Fall of 2009, surrounded by the red rocks of Moab, Utah, we snuggled up in a tent and talked about Hawaii. It was when we were camping that the conversations started and the thought of actually moving to Hawaii together became a possibility.

We love camping. Moab was exactly half way for us. 5 hours from St. George and 5 hours from Denver. We used to pack up the cars and meet in the middle for a weekend of camp fires, tents, and chilly evenings. Since moving to Hawaii, we've missed camping. We love the exhilarating feeling of packing up the car for the weekend. Driving hours to find the perfect destination and setting up. Unfortunately, you can drive around the entire island in about 3 hours so the "road trip" feeling doesn't really exist. However, this past weekend. We decided it was time and we went camping.

We packed up the car with our boards, tent, hot dogs and beer and set out about 35 minutes outside of town to a place called Kiholo Bay. We were weary at first because it was a holiday weekend and the beach was packed! However, with a little cruising, we were able to find the perfect secluded camp site and parked right on the beach.

We spent the day on the stand up paddle board and whale watching. Tommy strummed the ukelele while Munson and I snuggled up in the sand.

The evening was closed with hot dogs on the grill and a champagne toast to one of the most beautiful sunsets we've seen since living here. The sky was a radiant orange/red and the sun fell perfectly behind the palm trees. It really felt like we were in a post card. But no, it was real life. Our life.

In the morning, we paddled out on the water that was so clear it was like riding a glass bottom boat. We shared some breakfast and headed back to town.

It was a fabulous weekend and we're kicking ourselves for not finding this spot sooner. Good thing, we live here and can go any time we want. Next time, I hope you'll join us...

Love and Aloha,
D & T

Monday, February 21, 2011

Another new addition....

Not being employed has its ups and downs. Of course it's nice to lay on the beach and soak up the sun all day. It's nice to come home to a clean house and sleep past 6 am if you want. But it's also very lonely. With Tommy AND Munson being gone for 8 days at a time every other week, it can really take a toll on you.

I've been baking and gardening, working out more, and recently started volunteering at the Humane Society. What a treat that is. Little puppies there to give you endless affection, even when you're lonely. There is something about snuggling up with a 9 week old shar-pei that tugs at your heart strings...

Tommy came back after another long week at work this past Thursday and we decided....it's time for a new addition....

With both of us leaving our jobs (soon) we decided it was absolutely necessary. One, if not both, of us will be at work at different hours. Someone will be out using the car while the other will be here in town. So we pulled the trigger and we bought one.

No....we didn't get another dog. Tricked you!

We would like to now introduce you to Francesca Giovanni Vincenzo. The Yamaha version of the Italian Vespa. A Vino. She's a beaut. Dark burgundy and cream with a nice basket on the back. Perfect for a few groceries, or a smaller puppy--someday.

We knew that we would have to have 2 means of transportation with us having different jobs and we got a great deal from a friend on this one. We just couldn't resist! How could you?

It's great on gas mileage (as in $5 will fill the tank for the week) and perfect for just a few miles to and from work. Plus, it's absolutely adorable.

With the open road, the wind in your hair, and the ocean to your side, it really is the life. We feel like real kama'ainas (locals) and are living the full Hawaiian experience. Life is good.

And maybe someday Munson will get a brother or sister. But not quite yet.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Hawaii does something to you. There's something about the constant roar of the ocean, the picturesque turquoise water, the smell of plumeria's, tuberose and saltwater that sting your nostrils constantly, and the feeling of "aloha". Hawaii is magical.

We have been going back and forth for quite some time now about moving back to the mainland. Wondering where we'd move, what we'd do, and when we'd leave. We do miss our friends and family immensely, we miss going to the grocery store and only spending $10. We miss cheap beer and normal gas prices. But the more and more we talked about it, we realized that neither of us are ready to give up the aloha feeling quite yet. So we've decided to stay for just a bit longer.

Deciding to stay meant that some changes needed to happen. First off, work. I have struggled at my job from the beginning. It's incredibly draining on the body and soul. The work we do is by no means easy, though definitely rewarding. This past week, I decided to take a giant step and resigned from Pacific Quest. A little scary seeing as I had no work lined up, and now had no income coming in. However, it was necessary for my personal sanity. I'm happy. I'm really happy with this decision. Leaving work was a big sigh of relief and I've felt as if life has been put back in me. I'm now able to go to the ocean everyday and sleep in my own bed every night. That in itself, is euphoric.

As of now, I do not have a job yet. Though, it has only been a week. I've applied to work on boats doing whale watching tours and sunset cruises. I've applied to nearly every bar/restaurant/hotel in the area. I've applied at a handful of social work opportunities available on this side of the island. And I've even applied to the local ballet studio here. For now, I am teaching yoga and living on the water. And I'm happy. I know that something will come up and I'll find work. I'm not worried. This is a new chapter for us. A new adventure.

Tommy also put in his notice this past week as well. He will be doing 3 more shifts, which means he will be finished by the end of March. (just in time for his parents to visit!).

Believe me when I say that this was all very thought out. Us resigning was by no means a rash decision. We made endless pros and cons list and weighed out our options financially. We know that it may be difficult, but we're willing to give it a try. We're happy, and we'll do anything to sustain that.

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% what you make of it.

Love and constant Aloha,
D & T

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sun Surf and Snow

After living in Colorado for two years you would think I have had a few 14ers under my belt by now. Unfortunately, I never climbed a 14,000 ft. peak in the Rockies. Ironically enough, my first 14er was accomplished in Hawaii.

The volcano, Mauna Kea is 13,700 feet. Well, technically it's higher than Mt. Everest but most of it is underwater. At one point, this was an active volcano but now it's covered by super scientific telescopes and snow. Yes...snow!

This past week, we took old Julia up the 13,000 foot climb, bundled up Munson and braved the snow. This was Munson's first experience with snow so we were a bit unsure what to expect. Needless to say, it was one of the most adorable things we have ever seen.

Munson pounced, pawed and gobbled up all the snow she could. We strapped on our boogie boards and tried to get our fill of snowboarding. Wasn't quite the same as the "fresh pow" of the Rockies but fun none the less.

Baring the snow/pure sheet of ice was scary at times. Especially when sledding at high speed levels without being able to stop. The only way off was to bail!

After exhausting our energy and forgetting how altitude can effect you, we made our way back down to the beach and zero altitude. Because, yes, here in Hawaii it is possible to play in the snow and the ocean in the same day. This truly is paradise.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A few more photos from the American Tour.

First snowfall of the year!
super awesome 3D glasses

Splash Mountain! Family style!

The infamous Alice

2011 Kiss. (there's always fireworks)

The whole gang

YUENGLING!! i love the east coast.

If there was a fight between JMU and UNI to see which school was better. JMU would clearly win.