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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hilo Hospital

To all of our bloggers out there-I'm sorry it has been a while since our last update. This past week has been a little hectic to say the least.

Last Wednesday I was feeling some slight back pain. I rubbed my favorite remedy (icyhot) on and headed to work Thursday morning. Unfortunately, Thursday night turned in to an all night affair with excruciating back pain and discomfort. I was taken out of the field and spent the next few days at base sleeping and trying to rest up to head back to work.
Unfortunately, that plan didn't quite work out as planned and Tommy took me to Hilo Hospital Monday morning. After a ton of tests including MRI's and CAT scans, I was diagnosed with a kidney infection and lesions on my kidneys.

For the next 4 days Tommy and I cuddled up in a hospital bed watching non-stop cable tv and having nurses poke me all day to take my blood, vitals and IV's. Not to mention, listen to our old Hawaiian roomate who had some serious issues with her bowels. We won't go in to detail there.

After some extensive antibiotics the doctors released me on Thursday saying I was healthy enough to go home. Days later I felt phenomenally better-almost like nothing had happened. I am still on antibiotics but am feeling immensely better. Despite being on an island what feels like millions of miles away, I am so grateful for our supportive friends and family who sent warm wishes along the way. In addition to wonderful doctors and nurses who treated me with such care.

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