a page turner...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

hot town summer in the city

I know what you're thinking..."Dani and Tommy, what ever happened to that power couple?" or "last I heard, Dani and Tommy inherited an alpaca farm and moved to Guatemala". Well, that's not true, but we are alive and I do have a sweater made from alpaca fur so that's pretty much the same thing.

We are sorry for the extensive delay in blog posting these days.  We've been so caught up in...life, that we've neglected our blog enthusiasts.  Consider this our deepest apology.  

With summer upon us we've been busy with camping trips,climbing, trying not to melt from the outrageous heat, things like that.  Summer in Colorado has been wonderful.  HOT as hell, but wonderful.  Our days mostly consist of city bike rides, gardening, mountain hikes and a lot of icecream eating from our favorite local shop.  

We recently had a plethora of guests that have kept us entertained and busy.  By plethora, we mean 5 people...but still.  Our first summer guests were the original "power couple", my godparents (or earthparents as the preferred name) from California.  They drove from California to Colorado to spend a long weekend with us.  It was very low-key and perfect in every way.  Some light hiking, lounging, and a lot of eating.  We absolutely love the jo-boo family and every time we see them are inspired to love more and deeper everyday.  They are a true inspiration to us, our lifestyle, and our love.  

Following the earthparents, all the way from the Big Island of Hawaii were our friends Danny and Zulay and their adorable almost 2 year old-Zadie.  Technically, they didn't travel from Hawaii.  They've been in Utah for the past few months working but they are from Hawaii and they are moving back to Hawaii in August. So that counts. 

And let me just say that their daughter is perhaps the cutest child on the planet. 

Spending time with them was such a treat.  Lots of 'talk story' about the islands, dreaming of sailing back, SPAM, and just good aloha feelings.  We definitely got the island bug after talking with them.  No plans to move back as of now, but we would love to plan a visit there soon. 

No other visitors planned for the rest of the summer as of now but I'm sure that will change.  Consider this an open invitation....

With August creeping up fast we have a few more summer thrills to get before its over. We have a few Red Rocks concerts coming up, hopefully some more camping trips and perhaps some wild rides down the rivers.  We recently traveled to Aspen for a pretty 'epic' backpacking trip.  That trip deserves a full blog so stay tuned....

With the brutal summer heat this year, the hardest part has been being so far from the ocean.  So many days we wake up and say, "let's just pack up and go to the beach"....only to realize that the closest beach is a mere 15 hours away.  Not as easy as our 2 block walk in Hawaii.  We are definitely missing the ocean and beach feeling but are still so happy to be back on the mainland and in Colorado.  The ocean is wonderful but the mountains aren't so bad either.  Stay tuned for more summer adventures.....

Dani, Tommy and
Miss Munson 

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